"To Help is to Beautify Our Spiritual Essence"


The establishment of the Philippe & Elisabeth Dufour Foundation is the result of more than three years of intense reflection. In August 2022, the solemn decision was made to create this philanthropic organization.

However, the realization of this project required months of hard work, endless meetings, intense reflection, and difficult decision-making in the face of numerous obstacles.

Throughout this process, we have experienced a multitude of emotions, from joy to sorrow, from certainty to doubt, but our perseverance has finally paid off. We are very proud to see our "baby" taking shape and becoming a reality.

During these months of gestation, we worked diligently to shape the profile of the foundation, carefully respecting the founders' wishes. This collective work generated a strong cohesion among us and strengthened our bonds of friendship.

The creation of the Philippe & Elisabeth Dufour Foundation marks the beginning of a passionate human and philanthropic journey that we hope will make a positive difference in the world.

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